What is an Advertisement Board?

advertising board

What is an Advertisement Board?

An advertising board, or A-board, is usually a term reserved for the advertising hoardings seen at association football matches, although there are other more general forms such as billboards and posters.

Advertising boards first appeared around football stadiums in the 1970s, and are now commonplace in professional football grounds.

What is Outdoor Advertising and Types of Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising is a form of advertising strategy that enables companies to promote their businesses through outdoor means. There are nine types of outdoor advertising, which your business can utilize.

  • Billboard
  • Lamp Post
  • Bridge
  • Guerilla Advertising
  • Point of Sale
  • Transit
  • Retail
  • Stunt Advertising
  • Outdoor advertising

With these in mind, they can choose any outdoor advertising strategy that fits their budget and preference.

What is meant by Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising refers to the advertisements plastered or displayed outside any establishment. It’s also called out-of-home advertising, which, as the name implies, is an advertising strategy displayed outside the home.

What are The Types of Outdoor Advertising?

There are 2 main types of outdoor advertising: traditional and digital.

Traditional types of outdoor advertising include billboards and posters. However, many companies can also advertise on bridges, lamp posts, street furniture, retail, and point of sale advertising.

Aside from that, there’s also digital outdoor advertising. Think of it as digital types of the ones mentioned. Unlike traditional printed outdoor advertising types, these ones “rotate” with other ads, whether promoted by your competitors or other companies.

And if you plan to start a campaign with these types, you need to consider different designs and dimensions to ensure that your advertisements are optimized when displayed.

What are the Benefits of Billboard Advertising?

• Billboards have captive audiences.
• Viewers pay attention.
• There are many billboard opportunities.
• You can match the location to a niche market.
• Billboards create brand awareness.
• Billboards have changed with consumer preferences.
